The S1 U13 football team celebrated their success after winning the Green Final Trophy 5-1 against Bucksburn Academy. This is a great achievement by all the pupils who were a…
Update: See below. Exam timetables will be issued to pupils during registration on Wednesday 17 April along with a letter recapping the key points made at assemblies last term. Study leave begins on Wednesday 24 April and ends on Friday 31 May. A copy of the letter is available to download below, along with the two SQA booklets issued at the SQA assemblies last term: ‘Your Exams 2019’ (also available in other languages) and ‘MySQA 2019’.
If your son or daughter is in S2 – S5 please give us feedback on how we support you and pupils at course choice time. Please use the link below to complete a short survey.