Health & Wellbeing at Bridge of Don Academy

Health & Wellbeing at Bridge of Don Academy 15/16


  • All young people report that they felt safe in school (HT questionnaires/focus groups 2013-14)
  • Procedures are in place to ensure that pupils, parents and staff know who to report to when they are concerned, worried or need support of any kind in relation to learning and welfare. This includes procedures for communication in school office.
  • There is a strong culture of partnership working through our pupil support management group (PSMG). Simple communication methods have been developed to keep EP, school doctor, police, HSLO, school nurse, and other partners informed.
  • HT and SMT have developed relationships with local shops and other community organisations to ensure community relations are harmonious.
  • A litter project involving student council in conjunction with Oldmachar Academy is planned for 2015 – 16.
  • First Aid is well planned and implemented.
Further developments for Session 2015 -16
  • With support of partners provide support for parents in keeping their children safe on line.
  • Further support the development of pupil confidence – through HT questionnaires and focus groups throughout 2015 – 16 explore levels of confidence in themselves as learners and in general.
  • To further explore how we can help young people develop their resilience and abilities to assess risk.
  • ACC plan further improvements to the security of the building to ensure the safety of young people and staff.


  • The pupil support management group works effectively to ensure that young people who are in need of more targeted support are included and supported.
  • Support for Learning open at break and lunch to provide a safe space with staff and senior pupils to support more vulnerable learners.
  • Relationships among pupils and between pupils and staff are positive comment from our VSE in October 2014.
  • Almost all young people report that they feel safe and cared for in school and the majority that they are treated fairly and with respect (pupil voice 2013 – 14)
  • Our BODA Bs are at the heart of how we go about our business. These are promoted in assemblies and magazines.
  • We have a caring and committed staff who want the best for young people. (VSE October 2014)
  • HT focus groups give pupils an opportunity to express their views on their learning.
  • The student council is an active body in the school which has two major achievements – an improvement in food in the canteen and the provision of water fountains in school.
  • Our youth ministry leader leads a small scripture union group which meets each Tuesday.
Further developments for 2015 – 16
  • HT focus groups to explore young people’s views on how well they cope with new problems and challenges and what more could be done to support them in school.
  • Discussion of how we could progress restorative approaches to behaviour management as part of our already successful policy.
  • Discussion of how our motivation and awards scheme might support further improvements in attendance and behaviour – should we have awards for attendance and behaviour at the awards ceremony?
  • Prayer spaces in school in planned for 2015 – 16 with support of PT RMPS and youth ministry leader.


  • There are many opportunities for young people to achieve in and beyond the formal curriculum – see curriculum framework.
  • Our universal support system for young people in the senior phase sets aspirational targets and four reports per session to give young people feedback on their progress.
  • Leadership days are well established in S1 and S2 to allow young people to apply their leadership and enterprise knowledge and skills in new and unfamiliar contexts.
  • For pupils in receipt of targeted support IEP targets are in place.
  • There are a number of other well established opportunities for young people to develop their leaderships and enterprise skills:
    • Sky Sports Living for Sports
    • Girls get set
    • Higher leadership
    • Travel and Tourism Skills for work
    • School show
    • PE performance unit SQA
    • Getting ready for work S3
    • REEHIS certificate in S3 HE
  • Our wall of fame recognises and celebrates the achievements of young people.
Further developments for 2015 – 16
  • Our universal support will be further developed in session 2015 – 16 so that all young people in S4 – 6 will have a mentor to support and challenge them in their learning to further raise attainment.
  • PSE courses will be further developed to provide progression in skills and knowledge from S1 – S6.
  • An Achievement working group will be set up under the leader ship of PT (PE and) wider achievement to ensure we are recording, monitoring and tracking and certificating (where appropriate) achievements.
  • HT focus groups and questionnaires to find out about the aspirations of our young people and the extent to which they feel supported and challenged in their learning – comparisons to be made with findings from 2013-14.


  • The school’s values at the heart of the way we do things
  • The school’s behaviour management/discipline policy supports young people to make good decisions, to care, be respectful and be their best.
  • All young people have two hours of PE each week from S1 – S6.
  • All young people from S1 – S3 do Home Economics which promotes healthy eating.
  • Heads of House, year heads, class teachers and partners all provide support for young people.
  • We have good links with external agencies and partners to support our learners.
  • Activities week provides opportunities for young people to participate in a number of different activities many of which are outdoors and involve physical activities and sports.
  • Residential trips include one which includes water based activities in Spain.
  • The sponsored walk is a whole school activity which takes place every two years and is a challenge for all: a 20km walk on sand from Donmouth to Balmedie and back making good use of our local environment. This provides an opportunity for young people to test their endurance, fortitude and resilience and supports the community spirit in the school.
  • Bridge of Don Academy is part of a mental health and wellbeing project. We await feedback on its successes.
  • School canteen food is perceived to have improved.
  • Water fountains will be in place for 2015 – 16.
Further development for 2015 -16
  • Incorporation of restorative approaches into the school’s behaviour management/discipline policy.
  • The universal support system as it is developed will encourage young people in S4 – 6 to take more responsibility for their own learning. This will include almost all teaching staff as mentors who know young people well in addition to their Head of House.
  • The S3 profile will be further developed in 2015 – 16.
  • HT questionnaires to explore young people’s views on our approaches to universal support as well as how they are feeling.


  • All young people in S1 -6 have two hours of PE each week.
  • Activities week gives young people the chance to try physical and sporting activities new to them.
  • Staff fitness is led each week by a member of PE staff.
  • A number of extra-curricular sporting activities are provided.
  • The sports council runs a sports fayre to encourage more participation in extra-curricular activities.
  • Sponsored walk is well-established and a real physical challenge.
  • Duke of Edinburgh expeditions are well established and supported by staff in school. The parent council has supported participation through the purchase of equipment.
  • Expeditions to Morocco, Cambodia and Southern India all included a lengthy trek and climb which provided a physical challenge for participants.
Further development for 2015 -16
  • PE staff are working on improving choice of activity for all and increasing the range of activities (through for example fit for girls) to ensure full participation.
  • Pupils on expeditions to present at assemblies to show what they achieved and gained from the experience.
  • HT questionnaires to find out about levels of confidence of our young people.


  • Motivation and Awards scheme encourages young people to show respect to other learners and rewards all those who achieve less than 10 hits each term.
  • The awards ceremony each year recognises the attainment and achievements of young people across a range of subjects. A number of awards are for caring, academic excellence and citizenship – e.g. prefects of the year.
  • The student council is a voice for young people. Young people vote for their representatives.
  • The buddies system supports young people
  • Anti-bullying policy and annual S1 competition encourages respect.
  • S1 representatives visit all primary schools as part of the transition work to improve levels of confidence in new S1 cohort.
Further development for 2015 -16
  • Peer education and young people co-designing their learning to be explored in 2015 -16.
  • Internet safety for all – further development of 360 Safe
  • HT questionnaires to explore levels of confidence and optimism of our young people.


  • The BODA Bs encourage young people to take responsibility for their learning and behaviour.
  • Pupil motivation and behaviour policies encourage young people to take responsibility for their learning and behaviour.
  • S1 and S2 leadership days and Higher Leadership develop and support leadership and group work skills.
  • Student office bearers such as Head boy/girl and deputes as well as senior prefects and house captains offer opportunities for young people to take on responsibility and to be positive role models for other young people.
  • Senior school committees and activities support the development of team work and leadership.
  • SfL offer PAA and PDA awards.
  • Peer support in classes, MICAS base, and SfL offers seniors the chance to be responsible.
  • A culture of learner voice is developing through HT focus groups and the student council.
  • AiFL and Co-operative learning approaches encourage young people to take more responsibility for their learning and a culture of positive interdependence.
  • The school’s careers evening is well established and supports decision making for young people’s futures.
Further development for 2015 -16
  • To further support learning and teaching which is active and less passive through supporting AiFL and co-operative learning through CPL funding for cover and in house provision and a TLC.


  • Through RMPS and PSE young people learn about values and understanding of difference.
  • Values Assemblies support the BODA Bs.
  • We have a positive ethos and this was supported by the VSE in October 2014.
  • The pupil support management group ensures that young people are at the centre decision making about their education and support for their learning.
Further development for 2015 -16
  • Develop a shared understanding of health and wellbeing across the school community
  • Involve young people further in the development of the curriculum, learning and teaching and universal support – through HT questionnaires and focus groups.
  • Further development of universal support will involve young people more in their own learning.
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