We recently found out that Bridge of Don Academy has been awarded the Bronze Rights Respecting School Award.

This recognises that BoDA is ‘Rights Committed’. Our next step is to work towards achieving RRSA Silver: ‘Rights Aware’. The Rights Respecting Steering Group have created an action plan and will be working on this over the next few months. You may have recently spotted some of them at the school Christmas Fayre where they were raising awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights. As the action plan outlines, they have a lot more ideas and will be organising various events and activities around the school and the community.
To look through the school’s Silver action plan please click here. We are hoping to have our Silver accreditation visit in May so it is all go for the Rights Respecting team.
Five ways you can you help
- Read the brand new Parent Club booklet about children’s rights https://www.parentclub.scot/topics/money-rights/childrens-rights .
- Keep an eye out for the Right of the Week articles on the school website and social media.
- Talk to the young people about their rights. A copy of the UNCRC summary can be found here.
- Take part in competitions we will be holding over the next few months.
- And finally in number 5…anyone and everyone in the school community can help work towards making Bridge of Don Academy a Silver Rights Respecting school and if you would be interested in getting involved further then please get in touch. We would love to hear your ideas!