Who are you? Paula Merchant, I work at Aberdeen for a Fairer World.
What are your Fairtrade items?: Coffee, handbag, facemask, earrings, scarf, wine, drinks glasses.
Why?: First thing, a cafetiere of nice, strong Co-op Sumatran single origin coffee to start the day. Then, head out with my Earth Squared Fair Trade handbag and facemask, wearing my Silver Chilli Fair Trade earrings and a scarf I knitted from Manos del Uruguay Fair Trade wool. And much later, Co-op Merlot, poured into Fair Trade, 100% recycled glasses, produced by Ngwenya Glass in Swaziland.
For more information about these products visit:
Silver Chilli https://www.silverchilli.com
Manos del Uruguay https://manos.uy/about-manos
Ngwenya glass https://ngwenyaglass.co.sz
Aberdeen for a Fairer World is a member of the Scottish Fair Trade Forum. This is the official membership body for Fair Trade in Scotland. They bring together and support people in Scotland interested in buying, selling, campaigning for and learning about Fair Trade.
For more information about Fair Trade including how to get involved and resources for education, business and campaigners then visit their website https://www.scottishfairtradeforum.org.uk