Right of the Week W/C 19/12/2022

Article 27 – Adequate Standard of Living. 

Every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical and social needs and support their development. Governments must help families who cannot afford to provide this. 

Christmas is very soon and is an important time for us to recognise that this right is not being met for many.  Across the country and the planet there are those who cannot afford an adequate standard of living at the moment, let alone Christmas gifts or even a Christmas lunch with family, especially with rising living costs. It is important that we are grateful for what we have, and that if we are able to, we help others who are less fortunate than us through simple actions such as donating to the foodbank, as demand is high for assistance at this time of year.  

The Global Goals Group Foodbank donations

At the BoDA Christmas Fayre, the Global Goals Group had a stall to raise awareness of children’s rights, the Sustainable Development Goals and Fairtrade. They also raised some money with a tombola and chose to use this money to buy products (Fairtrade where possible) to donate to CFINE.

This is the last Right of the Week for 2022 and the Global Goals Group would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Look out for the first Right of the Week of 2023 on the 9th January.

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