Monday 18 January sees the launch of DYW Live, a collaboration with Education Scotland and e-Sgoil providing live interactive lessons for all learners. There are presently over 30 programmes available. The link to the brochure is below:
Digital learning from Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar | e-Sgoil (
Sign-up form is available here:
Once signed up it’s just a matter of logging in for the session and one of the partners will deliver a lesson.
The initial block will run for 8 weeks, this will then be evaluated and then run for another 8 weeks.
Sessions will take place on GLOW which ensures that all lessons are safeguarded and they will be delivered by industry experts.
Your Glow username is the same as your Google e-mail address, except replacing “” with “”. Please e-mail the school if you have forgotten your Glow password.