Sponsored Walk – Sponsor Money

Thanks to all the people that have handed in their sponsor money so far!  This is just a reminder to get your sponsor money handed into the school office as soon as possible.

It was great to see all of the pupils having fun and a great day certainly was had by all. Lots of photos of the pupils were taken and these will be presented at assembly next week. 

All the money raised goes to a real good cause – Bridge of Don Academy – all the money raised  is spent on range of things including

 – buses for trips like safe drive stay alive, the careers convention,

 – school show expenses,

 – it supplements school trips e.g. actvities week,  

 – buses for sporting fixtures,

 – expensive equipment to support departments,

 – pays fees and travel expenses for young people to participate  in arts and  sports for courses

 In summary it supports learning in and out of school which is imperative to the development of our youngsters.

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