This is a chance for you to meet and speak to your child’s teachers. We appreciate that the pupils are at a very early stage of their time in secondary school but we believe that you will find this evening useful. You will be able to assess from the range of teachers you speak to how well your son or daughter is settling into school and raise any concerns you have about their learning or behaviour. Teachers will also be able to tell you what feedback pupils have had on how they can improve and progress –remember you can also access the Learning Intentions for the different subjects on the school website.
We operate an appointment system. Teachers have a maximum of 30 appointments for the whole evening. Therefore some teachers will be explaining to their pupils that because they have more than one first year class they will not be able to see everyone. However you should be able to see enough teachers to get an accurate picture of how your son/daughter is settling into life at the big school.
Your son/daughter should now have been round all of their classes and made appointments with their teachers.
On the evening please sign in on arrival at the main school entrance or the entrance at the swimming pool doors. You will be given floor plans so you can locate teachers who will be in either the Assembly Room or the school canteen. Senior pupils will be available on the night to help you find teachers. There will be seats to wait and tea and coffee available for a small donation to the school fund. Please sign out before you leave.
Look forward to seeing you all there!