All pupils have been given a letter regarding the school photographer coming into school this week and also a date in November.
Please find further information below:
School Photographer
S1-S5 Pupils
The School Photographer, Mr Little from Tempest Photography, will be in school on Thursday 12 September, to take individual photographs of all S1–S5 pupils.
S6 Pupils & Families
For all S6 pupils and any pupils requiring a family photograph, the School Photographer, will be back in school on Wednesday 20 November. This is to take individual photographs of S6 pupils, family portraits, year group and house photographs. Further information will be given prior to this.
I am sure you would wish your child to be well turned out for the photograph and I would ask for your continued support in implementing the school’s dress code. Pupils who arrive without uniform will be given appropriate items to wear for the day, as we do each morning after registration.
Tempest is offering a number of different packages, some of which are specifically tailored to our ‘leavers’. Should you choose to purchase any this would provide the pupils with a great keepsake of their time at Bridge of Don Academy.
You are under no obligation to purchase the photograph, but all pupils will have their photo taken in order to update their school file.