SQA Exams and Study Leave 2018

SQA Exams and Study Leave 2018

An SQA assembly was held on Thursday 19 April for S4, S5 and S6 pupils to discuss the various SQA procedures and expectations surrounding the SQA exams. The following items were issued that day:

  • Individual Pupil Exam Timetable;
  • SQA’s ‘Your Exams 2018‘ booklet with the SCN pupil card;
  • A Study Leave letter with dates of study leave and clear expectations of pupil conduct over the next six weeks.

The Study Leave letter is available to download in PDF format by clicking the link above and covers the following areas:

  • Key Dates
  • Study Leave Arrangements
  • Exam Arrangements
  • Exam Conduct
  • Exams Finishing Beyond The End Of The Day
  • Post Study Leave
  • Exam Results & Results Service, including Exceptional Circumstances and Post Results
  • S6 Leavers

A copy of the letter is available in text format here which can then be translated into another language using the Google Translate at the bottom of the web page.

The ‘Your Exams 2018’ booklet is also available, via the link above, in Gaelic, Polish, Traditional Chinese, Punjabi and Urdu.

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