How does Xpressions work?
Xpressions provides parents with a portal to receive messages from the school, such as updates, information about trips, emergency closures and more. In fact, anything the school currently sends by SMS text message or email!
Parents will see a number of timelines, filtering the messages they receive, and can receive messages for more than one child, even if they attend different schools (assuming both schools are subscribed to Xpressions).
Xpressions uses a parent’s email address and mobile number as part of the login process – it is critical that the school(s) have up to date email addresses and mobile numbers for Xpressions to work. If you need to update your details, please contact the school office.
Parents do not need to perform any other setup process – just download the app from the appropriate app store on their device. Xpressions can be downloaded, installed and logged into on more than one device.
So download now to keep up to date with what goes on at Bridge of Don Academy whilst helping the school save money!
The link allows you to see the parental leaflet – Xpressions-to-parentsword