YEAR LEVEL TOPIC Parental Involvement
S4/5 N4/5 ·        World Religion- Islam, 27 marks

·        Morality and Belief- Justice, 27 marks

·        Religious and Philosophical Questions: The Problem with Evil and Suffering, 26 marks

·        Assignment- 20 marks

·        Encouraging the development of study skills

·        Involvement with google classroom

·        Looking over SQA past papers

S5/6 Higher ·        World Religion: Islam, 30 marks

·        Morality and Belief: Justice,  30 marks

·        Religious and Philosophical Questions: The problem of Suffering and Evil,  20 marks

·        Assignment, 30 marks

·        Encouraging the development of study skills

·        Involvement with google classroom

·        Looking over SQA past papers


Additional Information

  • Independence – students are expected to be responsible for catching up work missed and meet all deadlines
  • Assessment – pupils will be set 8 mark Q’s (N5) and essays (H) in each section and reviewed. The prelim will also act as an indicator of progression.
  • 1 hr. write up for National 5 for their assignment with one exam paper. 1hr 30 min write up for their assignment and two exam papers.
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