
e-Sgoil is offering pupils in S4 to S6 a wide range of real-time, interactive Study Support webinar lessons to help consolidate school-based learning.

Weekly 45 minutes live webinar lessons will be offered for a range of National 5 and Higher courses as scheduled below. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Live webinar lessons will run for an initial block of eight sessions.

For a summary schedule of live webinar lesson dates and content for each course please click here.

5 PM6 PM7 PM
MondayHigher RMPS

National 5 Mathematics
Higher Business Management

National 5 Physics
Higher Physics

Higher Computing Science
TuesdayHigher Music

National 5 Eachdraidh
Higher Spanish
WednesdayHigher French

Higher Gaelic Learners

Higher Mathematics
Higher MathematicsHigher English
ThursdayHigher Gàidhlig

Higher History
Higher Chemistry

Higher English
National 5 English

National 5 Mandarin
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