Over the last year we have really tried hard to ensure that all of our pupils are adhering to the uniform policy of the school. On the whole the pupils look very smart and represent Bridge of Don Academy in a very positive light.
We held assemblies to explain to pupils that in the world beyond school there are often uniforms that have to be worn at work or at the very lest a dress code and that Health and Safety laws mean that certain items of protective clothing are compulsory with severe consequences if they are not worn. So the message pupils were given was that in school….
” …arriving on time, wearing the correct uniform, ready for work, with all the equipment you need for lessons, is teaching you about employability.”
We also reminded pupils that wearing their uniform helps us keep them safe. It allows us to quickly identify people who are not our pupils and may pose a danger to them. It also helps pupils bond together as a group and prevents rivalry around clothes and shoes which can cause divisions and factions. Finally we reminded pupils that this a good school with a good reputation in the community and that wearing their uniform shows that they are proud to be part of it.
This is a just a small reminder for those parents/carers of current S2-S6 and also our new S1 pupils that uniform is an important part of our school culture. Therefore, when thinking about buying uniform for the start of the new term in August please click on the link to check what is acceptable to wear to school. Your son/daughter can also collect a uniform order form from the school office should they wish to purchase school polo shirts & jumpers.